When You Hear the Word Kenya What Do You Picture?

Mt. Kilimanjaro, the Maasai tribe, elephants, giraffes, safaris? What you might not picture is 1,000 people a day dying from HIV/AIDS leaving 2.5 million kids without parents. A million of those orphans have nobody and live on the streets. The average age of a Kenyan is 18 years old. The government can’t begin to fill the gap of a missing generation that would have taken care of them. We take James 1:27 to heart: “Pure and undefiled religion before our God and Father is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress”, at Miracle House this is our joy.


Motivated by the Heart of God
Meeting the Needs of the Children of Kenya

Want to Help?

give-2-grow - sponsor a child

give-2-build - donate to build base camp

Your monthly gifts of $35, $70, $105, $140, or $155 will enable Miracle House to feed, cloth, teach, and provide medical care for a child in need in Kenya. And beyond this, your sponsorship will enable us to encourage, love, and provide a family for children who otherwise might not receive these most precious of God’s gifts. 100% of your sponsorship donations go to the children.
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Miracle House owns ten beautiful acres in the heart of Kenya. We are raising money to build Base Camp, a facility where children discover and experience family, faith, hope and love. Your donation will greatly help the most needy in Kenya to have the opportunity to fulfill their dreams and achieve their God-given potential.
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To anybody thinking of traveling to Kenya – do it! It will change your life! Serving the kids is amazing and what you give is nothing compared to what you receive in love!
Samantha, Colorado
I have supported Miracle House kids for 3 years now. My only regret is that I did not begin sooner. What a tremendous blessing!
Brett, California
I am out of work so even though I can’t support financially I have committed to pray for the safety and care of the kids in Limuru and Webuye!
Nicole, Maine
I heard about Miracle House at church and I decided this is a great way to teach my children about serving the needs of others in a tangible way.
Mark, Texas