Monthly Archives: May 2014

Pray and Talk to People ….

“PRAY and TALK to people … ”

Misri Village
Thanks for reading, liking and sharing what is going on with
Miracle House on Facebook!

 Our following is increasing, thank you for being part of what God is doing in and through MH and telling others. Years ago at MH beginning, Deanna was asking God how He wanted to finance MH. God said she was to PRAY and TALK to people, God has been amazingly faithful!

Through the years we (Miracle House) have realized that magnifying Deanna’s one voice with the rest of us Praying and Talking to people, sharing the heart of Miracle House to our sphere of influence, allows more people to have

Mukweyi Family Update – from May 2014 Newsletter

Mukweyi Family Update

Thank you for your prayers for this precious family. Joseph is our financial manager in Kenya. He and his family were involved in a serious car accident in April while Deanna and Sam were visiting.
Hadassah (3 yr old daughter) and Emily (wife/mother) are both recovering well!

Mukweyi Family May 2014

Both will have check ups in the next week or two. Silas, who turned one year last week, is pleased to have his mother back again after her surgery. The day Emily was released Joseph said, “Silas will at last see his loving mother.”

Please continue to keep this family in your prayers! Thank you