#1 MH Trip Update Kenya 🇰🇪 here I come❣️ – CAMP and more!

Early Saturday departure… first flight cancelled, completely rerouted my trip, now arriving Monday morning, rather than Sunday night, which meant two nights in travel.   Landed safely Nairobi 🇰🇪 I wept in the immigration line, so thankful to be back on Kenyan soil.  😳 no checked bags, 3-50lb trunks MIA, took 2 hours to get out of airport – Praise the Lord at all times 🤣 Sometimes the most interesting circumstances cause me to realize, God’s got good plans!


Thankful to see a friend who collected me and took me directly (3-hour drive) to the “MH camp” we were having for all our Miracle House children. All our children and staff members together for the first time ever. We stayed at a little ’retreat camp’ just around the big rural block from our 10-acre MH Base Camp land. Currently MHBC is a shamba (farm) where we grow maize and beans for our own consumption and sharing with others.  That afternoon we all walked over, blessed, prayed, dreamed, listened, claimed our good future of “Greater Impact” at Miracle House Base Camp.

Our administrative team planned a fantastic program for the five-day camp experience, with special speakers, valuable teachings and profound encouragement for our children and staff members.  So beautiful to see all – guard staff to admin staff sitting shoulder to shoulder with our students, learning, gleaning from the sessions.

Tuesday was filled with more sessions, I shared too. Then the afternoon there was swimming and a staff vs student football game!!

We had a big plan for ‘nyama choma’ in the evening…  with Maasai guard, Simon – Pastor David went to buy a goat and a lamb.  I learned much about the Scripture,


“He was oppressed and afflicted, yet he did not open his mouth; he was led like a lamb to the slaughter, and as a sheep before its shearers is silent, so he did not open his mouth.”

Isaiah 53:7 NIV



I was invited to watch, I agreed – suffice to say, the fight of the goat is a huge contrast to the laying down of the lamb.


Hours later we enjoyed the abundant feast prepared by our Maasai guards and several others, some with experience and some of our boys having the experience for the first time. This ‘nyama choma’ (cooked meat) is a royal treat for all!  We closed the evening around a bonfire, (no marshmallows because they are in the missing trunks) worshipping, testifying of the Goodness of God and transformation in all they had learned and received throughout the week.

The final morning together was filled with worship and thanksgiving.  We received a Communion teaching and took Communion together.

My trunks arrived (Wednesday), minutes before the children departed from the camp. I was able to give them the MH water bottles I had packed for them!!

Praise God 🙌🏼

I was blessed to pray for Mary, the owner and host of the camp. She walked with a bit of limp, so I asked…  we checked her legs (length), only off about a half inch, but it quickly aligned.  I had her walk, pain reduced in the hips.  She had level 7 pain in both ankles… 1 ankle pain went immediately, the other one dropped to a two. We prayed again, she walked, no change. Prayed again, very little pain, then she looked up, so surprised- “I have no pain! I have had pain every day for years, I have no pain!” I reached out and took both her hands, blessing her and noticed large bumps on her wrists. I inquired, she said, it’s rheumatoid arthritis.  I put my thumbs on the bumps, they began to shrink… she went into a deep time with God.  She was receiving deeply, several minutes later she saw her wrists, “It’s flat”, she declared.  She was weeping. She coughed a bit, I had her sit down, I prayed over her. She was with Jesus, so I said, rest here with Jesus, I’ll check on you before we leave., I went to quickly pack and load.  She came, still crying and rejoicing… told me she coughed and declared, “something came out of me, I’m FREE!”

God is so good!


Allan and I will travel to Webuye today…

Thanks for your prayers!  You are holding me up, thanks for coming with me in this powerful way.  You have impacted individuals and generations ❣️

With Wild HOPE 🦋 deanna
