#7 MH Trip Update – January 2023 – Praying for Children… healings and a creative miracle. Part 1

Same night… I was asked, and I said YES…

Just a note to say, our YES is powerful, we just don’t know what God has in mind…


As we walked to the building that housed three family groups of about 12-15 children various ages, I knew I was exhausted. I remember praying, Oh God, this is you… what do YOU want?   I had no plan or preparation.


I preface all the testimonies I’m about to share with the bold truth that the directors and staff have been praying for these children for months and years… have had multiple prophetic words about the healing that is coming!!

Jesus is the ONE – He is Healer – none other – only by the Life, Death and Resurrection of Jesus, who bought and paid for our Salvation, Healing and Deliverance!!

It was my absolute joy to carry the Kingdom of God and release Wild HOPE 🦋 in this place❣️

We entered the house, four sofas all facing in around a large square table.  We worshipped God.  I talked with them about gifts – receiving gifts, we are receivers, we open our hands when we receive gifts, so assume the position!  God heals because He LOVES❣️

Mama F (the house mom) – had terrible back and hip pain, couldn’t get up and down without pain, all children were aware of it.  I stood behind her, while she sat in the chair and prayed a simple prayer.  I asked her to check it out, she stood and experienced no pain, repeated to be sure.  She was completely released from high level pain that she had be experiencing for months.

Two girls – I held them like I did my twins when they were young, about 8-10 years old. I prayed for their blood to be washed with 🩸 Jesus’ blood, which bought it all!  There was something there very sweet for me, having prayed for my own twin daughters (now 23), adopted from Haiti, who had sickle cell before we adopted them.  They went for test to determine, ‘trait or anemia’ because where we lived at the time would have been terrible for this condition.  Their tests came back NO sickle cell!  Testimony often releases the next breakthrough.  I don’t know the specific condition of the girls I prayed for that night, and I don’t yet know their outcome. But Holy Spirit was there… Jesus was there…

With Wild HOPE 🦋 deanna
