Several years ago now, over the course of a few different trips to Kenya, was a young man who we would see around our Miracle House Webuye location from time to time. He was older-ish (about 13-14 when he first came around) but yet school age and just kinda ‘hung around’. One of our board members who was at that time traveling to Kenya fairly frequently noticed him each time. They would talk together and the request came to help him. We were trying to only add younger children at that time, but somehow his persistence pulled our hearts. With further investigation we found he was indeed an orphan and living with his grandmother.
The situation for children like Alex who are about 18-22 years old is Interesting related to their education. It was about a decade ago, four years before Miracle House, that Kenya adopted an education plan allowing all children to attend school. The children who were poor and hadn’t attended school but were already 8-12 years old were caught in a “just missed” problem. They were already to old to start with pre-school or early elementary education. But everyone younger than them were going to have the opportunity for education and those older were already finding their way in life.
So Alex had not been educated and was not in school due to the inability to pay school fees from the time he was five years. I don’t honestly know how much school he had before he came to us but he was behind. When he would ask for help all he wanted was to go to school. So we agreed. Alex worked hard and advanced quickly. He has now been a Miracle House child for about 4 years.
This last year his grandmother passed away. Alex and his two younger bothers continue to live in the house, alone. They have some supervision from an aunt who checks in on them, but they essentially care for themselves and the household. At the time of the passing of the grandmother it became apparent that the two younger brothers needed additional help as well, although they had been in school all along. This year we are pleased to have all three of these boys (young men) at Miracle House.
Let me now describe Alex – 2013 December. He now stands taller than my 5’8″ size, he is a handsome young man. In December he took his KCPE testing, along with all the other class 8 students. We just received the scores this week. We are so proud of him, he received 314 out of 500 (250 is passing and anything 300 and above is good). This will make him eligible for a good secondary school. We await invitation letters and will find placement for him in the next few weeks.
Let me now paint for you a picture of his thankful, kind and generous heart. It was our desire to create a special day for our staff. We were to have some team building, some training and a special meal for their Christmas celebration. Well, you just can’t pull all your staff and still feed and care for children even on a Saturday. So we asked guardians to step in and bless our staff by volunteering to take their duties for the day. This involved the regular cooking, cleaning, and supervision for the children and additional cooking serving and cleaning for the staff party. Several guardians offered to help and among them was Alex. A young man without guardian representation was taking the opportunity to serve his leaders and staff. He was there from early that morning and one of the last to leave. I saw him washing, moving tables and preparing the eating area. He helped in the kitchen, worked with the younger children, served the food, and cleaned until late.
These moments are the moments I realize what an amazing ministry, calling and blessing God has given us, I’m so grateful! I’m thankful for Alex and the opportunity to serve and bless him. I’m blessed to see the educational accomplishments and the character development! I’m proud along with all our Miracle House family of our children and staff!
In 2014 Miracle House will have:
- 3 Form 3 girls
- 9 Form 2 students
- 6 Form 1 students
This education and age group is equivalent to the US high school. These students attend boarding school and a very rigorous education and training schedule. We are excited and proud of these students who have worked so hard to go to Secondary school.
Read more about the education situation in Kenya and why school fees continue to rise.
2014 Ministry Update – Upcoming Changes VERY IMPORTANT INFORMATION!
In 2014, Miracle House could see some changes to how we go about the day to day care of the children. Deanna has composed a letter to all of our donors, sponsors and prayer warriors to help keep you up to date on the latest. There are many changes happening in Kenya this year with the adoption of the new Constitution. Along with the new document there are several governmental agencies in Kenya that will be making shifts. The Children’s Department is one of those agencies. Miracle House is working closely with the Kenyan government to ensure we are in compliance with the Kenyan laws and regulations and also that our children are cared for to the best of our abilities. Please take a few minutes to read Deanna’s 2014 Miracle House Update Letter.
We’d like to take a moment just to say THANK YOU. We have some big things happening this year. Our children are growing up and entering Secondary School (High School), which is a big step and one we knew would come, but now that it’s here we know for sure that we wouldn’t have made it this far without you faithful friends. Thank you for your support, thoughts and prayers for the organization, the staff and especially the children. You are a special blessing to us and we cannot say thank you enough.
Deanna, Samantha and Sharon
Miracle House US Volunteer Staff
Tax Receipts out January 2014 for 2013 Giving
We will be sending out your donation receipts by the end of the month.
Please take this opportunity to be sure we have current contact information for you: Addresses both physical and email, and phone numbers.
Also take this opportunity to update your credit card number and expiration date to ensure you stay current with your online giving.
Upcoming Events 2014
March 9, 2014
Child Sponsorship Weekend @ Calvary Community Church, Westlake Village, CA
Deanna, Sam, Sharon and Becky will be visiting for the event.
Deanna and Sam will be traveling to Kenya again in April 2014 – SPONSORS!! Bring your letters/photos etc. to the event and drop off to be hand delivered by Deanna and Sam.
If you aren’t a sponsor yet, you will be able to choose a Miracle House child to sponsor and even write a note to be hand delivered in April!
- April 2014 – Admin Trip to Kenya
- July/August 2014 – Team Trip to Kenya
- Nov/Dec 2014 – Admin Trip to Kenya
Upcoming Board Changes
This year is a big year for Miracle House! We are looking for people who are interested in becoming Board Members or helping with some Administrative daily/weekly tasks.
We are looking for self starters, and people who are willing and motivated to step up to the challenge – if you are one of these people, please email us at
Go to Kenya

- Average approx. $3500 (additional extended safari extra)
- Summer/Fall 2014
- Spring/Summer 2015
Contact us at for information or to email your completed application.